As Father's Day is approaching, I am organizing a contest for bloggers, in appreciation of this fatherly figure. The good news is, despite the common sayings of Like Father, Like Son or in Malay...Bapak Borek, Anak Rintik! (borek & rintik? What a word!)... I open this for fathers and daughters as well.

Just follow the steps below and the prizes could be yours!
1. Add Isabelle...frankly in your blogroll@bloglist and become my follower.
2. Write a short entry in your blog about this contest (it could be in Bahasa Melayu or English - up to you) and put up the Daddy's Dearest banner (above).
3. Upload a creative/dramatic photo of the father with son/daughter and explain why do you think your picture is unique.
4. Include a link back to this blog and this contest in the entry.
This blog -
This contest -
5. Tell me about your entry by leaving a comment here with the link to the entry.
*The prize would be something special for the moms (as I believe only moms will spend time to do this...hahaha*
Terms and conditions
- This contest is only opened to Malaysian bloggers only.
- The contest starts on 1st June 2009 and ends on 19th June 2009.
- You must put the required links in your entry. Else, it will be disqualified without notice.
- Winners will be selected based on the most creative pix that resemble daddy-child closeness.
- Judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entertained.
- Winners will be announced in this blog and will also be contacted via email.

waaa ada can menang..
ReplyDeletededua pun senyum..sgt adorable gitu...insya-Allah
tq k.tini... (ada can menang ker? dah byk contest n giveaway masuk tp x penah menang pun, sedey jugak)... tapi akan terus mencuba...x salah kan...