Start dari bulan lepas, ayra dah start minum susu botol...
Memula aku sambung bg Morinaga, yang dia minum masa dlm pantang dulu...
Prot ayra mmg tak sesuai dgn susu tu, 5 hari x membuang...
Dah keras perut dia...
Nak tukar susu soya, takut jadi mcm dulu...
Start tukar susu NURSOY yang dia xmau isap botol langsung...
Sudahnya aku kena ulang2 alik gi bf dia...
Bukan setakat xmau isap susu formula, botol pun dia xmau isap...
Kalau pam susu bdn masuk botol pun dia xmau...
Masa dia sembeli 5 hari tu, bwk ayra gi klinik...
DOC suggest susu NOVALAC (IT range)... rumusan utk sembelit...
Siap dpt sample...
Balik rumah, try bagi ayra isap...
Alhamdulillah, dia isap abis 2 oz (okla kan, sbb sblom nih langsung dia xmau susu formula)...
Esoknya trus dia membuang, susu tu sesuai dgn perut dia...
Sampai skrg still dgn susu nih...
Tin 400g, RM27...
Dan cuma ada di farmasi, xdak dijual di supermarket...
NOVALAC IT -CONSTIPATIONNovalac Increased Transit (IT-Constipation) formula relieves the discomfort of constipation by producing softer stools which form more frequently and can pass through the body more easily. It contains increased lactose and decreased casein.
Ingredients(IT-Constipation) contains increased lactose and reduced levels of casein to help prevent constipation plus increased magnesium and an optimal calcium:phosphorus ratio 2:1 (which helps soften stools).
Purpose/UsageThe effects of constipationThere is not always a clear reason for constipation in infants. They may be getting insufficient fluids, for example on a warm day when its fluid needs are greater - or constipation could simply arise from changing from breast milk to formula. Constipation is characterised by changed or infrequent bowel movements. There may be pain when this happens as the stools can be larger than normal and hard, and the infant's stomach can become bloated with crampy pain. Constipation should be addressed as it can lead to complications, for example haemorrhoids. Changing to a specialised anti-constipation formula is a natural way of improving constipation without resorting to laxatives, which can have undesirable side-effects and are often not indicated for use in infants.
How Novalac Increased Transit (IT-Constipation) helpsWith Novalac Increased Transit, stools become softer, larger and more frequent and the rate of movement through the infant's digestive system is increased. The formula contains increased lactose, which reduces pH to stimulate intestinal motility and raises osmotic load to increase water content of the stools and increase transit time. It also has reduced casein to encourage gastric emptying, increased magnesium and a high calcium:phosphorus ratio which assists with softening the stools. Constipation is gently relieved without harsh laxatives. Novalac Increased Transit formula is nutritionally complete, and can be used even once constipation is resolved.
** yang pasti, susu nih from paris, so x terlibat dgn israel. Allahu akbar!!!